At our 2024 congress we will again organize an "Image Gallery" where specialists will submit their best or interesting OCT images. It will roll through on a monitor in the exhibit area throughout the meeting and will be available on the website for the two months following the congress. All interested colleagues (participant at the congress or not) are welcome to submit their best/most interesting OCT or OCT Angiography images. Please submit each case as a single .ppt slide and include a brief description (including pathology, unusual scan parameters, etc.) as well as your name & affiliation as you'd like it to appear on the slide.

Images' template

Any images received that do not use the provided template will not be accepted. This includes font size and type.

Download template

Submit your best images

Slides should be emailed directly to Dr. Carroll at his email. Submissions must be received by November 10th, 2024 for consideration.


Dr. Joseph Carroll and Dr. Marco Rispoli will select a winner from the submitted cases to receive a prize at the close of the meeting.

Winner of 2023 edition - Néda Abrahams, David Sarraf - Stein Eye Institute, UCLA, USA

General chair

Stanislao Rizzo

Organizing Secretariat

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AP Meetings

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