Floretina 2019 will cover the main topics in both surgical and medical retina following the rule ”Separate in the morning, lunch with sponsors and together in the afternoon”.
An online platform hosting meetings and forums that offers the possibility to share the state of the art on surgical techniques, technologies and medical approach, through interviews, video sessions, live surgeries and clinical cases sharing.Floretina.com
Three meeting sessions will be dedicated to share and discuss with experts panel and delegates innovative ideas from participants. Your research, your work on medical or surgical retina relevant to present practice or future scenarios will be welcome.
Floretina is fed by original contents from the main international players active in the field of Retina. An online platform hosting meetings and forums that offers the possibility to share the state of the art on surgical techniques, technologies and medical approach, through interviews, video sessions, live surgeries and clinical cases sharing.
Stanislao Rizzo (Italy)
Francesco Faraldi (Italy)
Carl Claes (Belgium)
José García-Arumí (Spain)
Kourous A. Rezaei (USA)
Ramin Tadayoni (France)
Albert Augustin (Germany)
Ehab EL Rayes (Egypt)
Stanislao RIZZO
AOUC Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi,
Florence (Italy)
Francesco BARCA
AOUC Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi,
Florence (Italy)
AOUC Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi,
Florence (Italy)
AIM Group International
Florence Office
Viale G. Mazzini 70
50132 Florence (Italy)
Tel: +39 055 233881
Fax: +39 055 3906908