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An Alternative Technique For Intraocular Lens Removal: Bimanual Cleavage In The Vitreous Chamber
Carlos Mateo Matteo Mario Carlà
An Alternative Technique For Intraocular Lens Removal: Bimanual Cleavage In The Vitreous Chamber

Purpose: We aimed to present a new technique for lens explantation, involving intraocular lens (IOL) cleavage in the vitreous chamber using two forceps and successive removal from the anterior chamber (AC). Read more

Diabetic macular edema: OCT retinal biomarkers as predictive factors of treatment response and long-term visual outcome
Francesco Gerolmini Federico Ricardi Enrico Borrelli
Diabetic macular edema: OCT retinal biomarkers as predictive factors of treatment response and long-term visual outcome

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the leading cause of blindness in working-aged people worldwide[1]. Diabetic macular edema (DME) occurs in nearly 12% of patients with DR and represents a frequent complication of diabetes resulting from disruption of blood-retinal barrier and accumulation of fluid in the retina, which can lead to significant central visual loss if left untreated[2]. Read more